Institute Profile

Mission Statement
The mission of the Metamode Institute is twofold: first, the development and promotion of a forward thinking approach to the public policy process in addressing the critical problems and issues facing Canada and the world in the 21st century; second, the generation and dissemination of forward thinking, public-policy solutions with a view to enhancing the workings of our free market economies, the nurturing of socio-cultural and political conditions where individual rights and freedoms are valued and safeguarded; and advancing the cause of good and effective governance and peace.

The Institute has been in operation as a discussion group since 1997.  It was incorporated as a non-profit corporation without share capital in 2001. The notion of metamode refers to the capacity of rationality to break free of its own constructs, contrivances, and designs--intellectual, cultural or otherwise. It can also be defined as "the ability of human intelligence to extricate itself from the contexts it creates".  In the process, rationality is able to switch into a forward thinking mode in order to seek out, assess, and construct new means-ends relationships. Thus, the purpose of the Institute, as articulated in the mission statement above, is to examine public policy questions and issues from this perspective and to generate breakthrough solutions that effectively address some of the critical problems of our times.

Please note that in the next several months the Institute will be undergoing a review of its goals and its present organizational parameters. As a first step, a decision has been taken to phase out the Advisory Council and to replace it down the road with a governing group reflecting a new long-term plan for the further development of the Institute and its new organizational parameters. The names of the individuals who have honoured the Institute by serving on the Council over the last eleven years can be found listed in a special page. Simply click on the following embedded link to view this page: Legacy.

  Introduction to Metamode

Founder's Vision
