
  • No Fare Is Fair

    While no Canadian cities have eliminated fares altogether, many have made public transit partially free. What can’t we make it completely free, for everyone? If Estonia can do it, we can too. Keep reading…

  • A Burning Question: Coal or Tires

    LafargeHolcim, the world’s third largest building supplies company, wants to burn 400,000 used tires a year at its cement plant just four kilometres away from the village of Brookfield, Nova Scotia. Should we be worried? Keep reading…

  • Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Sanctuary Cities

    Sanctuary cities can offer safety and security for people forced to migrate due to catastrophic climate change. We need more such cities, and more resources for those already in place. Keep reading…

  • Canada’s Standing Rock(s)

    South of the border, a struggle against a pipeline and for the self-determination of a people has been capturing international attention. At home, dozens of similar struggles are playing out across the country. One question lies at the heart of each of them: what is the relationship between Indigenous people and the Canadian government? Keep reading…

  • Testing Trudeau’s Climate Rhetoric

    A national climate strategy holds incredible potential for the labour movement. That’s why the Canadian Labour Congress teamed up with a number of environmental organizations and First Nations to deliver a proposal called “One Million Climate Jobs” to the prime minister. Keep reading…

  • Healthy Planet, Healthy Workers

    A national climate strategy holds incredible potential for the labour movement. That’s why the Canadian Labour Congress teamed up with a number of environmental organizations and First Nations to deliver a proposal called “One Million Climate Jobs” to the prime minister. Keep reading…

  • Recharging A Dying Province

    Every year, Nova Scotia suffers a net loss of 1,300 people under the age of 30, and the province’s population has been in decline since 2011. What’s needed now is the implementation of a bold new vision that’s already been mapped out. Keep reading…

  • No Time to Bury Debate

    It’s difficult to forge unity within Canada’s large and geographically diverse labour movement around environmental issues. Nonetheless, we need to try. Keep reading…

  • The Infinite Energy Illusion

    There can be no individual path towards climate justice. We have to find our way collectively, which means we need to learn how to talk to one another. Let’s start with the massive new hydroelectric development at Labrador’s Muskrat Falls. Keep reading…