The Power of Giving to the CRH Foundation

With your gift to Chinook Regional Hospital Foundation, you are giving to your friends and neighbours, your partner and parents, your children and grandchildren. Right here in Lethbridge.

Your generous donation goes toward purchasing state-of-the-art equipment and expanding vital healthcare programs, like cancer care or life-saving surgery.

Chinook Regional Hospital Foundation receives and distributes funds for equipment and programs that enhance patient services and health programs in our community. This support goes to any area of need at Chinook Regional Hospital, including crucial healthcare technology, innovative programs, and special projects in your hospital.

We all need healthcare at some point in our lives. Your investment in Chinook ensures the best health care professionals can use the very best equipment to heal those you love the most.

Ensuring that high-quality healthcare is close to home means that when you and your loved ones need us, we’ll be there. When all come together as a community and prioritize each other, we can build amazing things. Will you join us?

Give today

Why should I give to my local hospital?

Home is where the heart is. And when you need medical care, you want to be as close to the comforts of home and your loved ones as possible.

When you or your loved ones need urgent care, it’s comforting to know you can access a hospital close to home that is equipped to manage your needs.

Whether it’s cutting-edge cancer surgery or knowing that your birth will be supported by a world-class labour delivery and maternal child services team, having quality and compassionate local healthcare is important to you – and it’s in your power to make it happen.

Give the gift of healing and compassion to your community


National Nursing Week!

Honoring our Nurses!

We're shining a spotlight on the incredible nurses here in Southern Alberta, whose tireless efforts and deep care make a world of difference in our lives.

Show some love for the nurses in your life this week <3

We are truly grateful for your service! 

Thank you to Garry Kohn and the Hebrew Congregation of Lethbridge!

We were visited by Garry Kohn, David Serkin, Dan Shapiro, as well as the Lethbridge Herald the other week to speak about the amazing donation the Hebrew Congregation of Lethbridge has made!

Volunteer Week 2024!

The other week was National Volunteer Week,
and we still want to shout out our appreciation from the rooftops so a big big thank you to all who donate their time to help others!

Click the link below to discover amazing opportunities all around Lethbridge!

Thank you for investing in the health of your community, your family and you!